Online service Graphics Animation SEO SSL SMS
Online service?
An online service can be an Internet service like Graphics, Animation, SEO, SSL, SMS, email, news, entertainment, search engine, e-commerce site, online banking site etc.
Why 99 Software?
99 Software is Bangladeshi leading online service provider company.
Experience and a track record are imperatives for clients in these difficult times. Return on investment, though not a novel idea, has come
of age in the Internet market. Our clients will tell you that the hallmark of working with 99 Software is to know what your Internet investment
means to your company.
Our clients span various sizes, industries and locations. Even though our services offered are customized for individual clients, it all sums up
to using the Internet as a technology and media to further business or organizational objectives

Our online Online service
Logo Design
Build Personal Website for Your Inspiration and exploration.
Clipping Path
Explore your Business Online through our Business Development.
Web based full Accounting & Inventory management ERP.
Voice Over
Online based HR/Payroll software for employee management.
Mixing Mastering
Manage your school, accounts, result, library online.
Email Marketing
Create invoice & send to client by Email, SMS.
SMS Marketing
Online based binary, Generation network management software.
Search Engine (SEO)
Touch screen based Online Restaurant Management software
Social Media (SMM)
Make your virtual Bkash Automatic Flexiload Shop.
Security (SSL)
Use barcode management software to maintain your sales.
Brand SMS
Send 5000 email daily by Email Marketing Software.
Server Maintenance
Manage your real state business by Real State Management